How do I share computer audio on Kast Web?
If you want to share the audio of the video you are kasting, remember to check the "Share audio" checkbox at the bottom left corner of the "Share screen" dialog. Also make sure that your sound is not muted in your video.
You will see this screen pop-up when you share your browser. If you want to share audio, make sure the "Share audio" box is checked!
On Mac, you can only share computer audio while kasting a browser tab. On Windows, computer audio sharing is possible for all three types of video (full screen, application and browser tab).
How do I share computer audio on the desktop app?
For PC:
*For the best experience use the Kast app on browser at
Select "Computer audio" as your audio source in Audio Settings (Microphone / Input). Selecting "Computer audio" plays all the audio that you hear on your computer. If others are talking, it can cause feedback issues. The best solution to fix this currently is to mute others who are causing echo issues in the left side panel.
Set your Microphone to Open (this will not broadcast your voice if computer audio is selected)
Verify that the microphone button next to video sharing is unchecked to allow audio to broadcast.
Currently using the text chat to talk during a movie is the best in watch parties, however, it is likely that there will be more advanced audio controls for this in the future.
On Mac:
We have a more detailed guide for getting computer audio to work on Mac. You can find it here.
If "Computer Audio" is not working.
First, be sure that you have "Computer Audio" selected as your input, your microphone icon is enabled (no line through it) at the bottom of your party, and that the other members of the party don't have you muted in the left panel. We also recommend trying our web version of the app, which has tab exclusive audio for Chrome tabs in addition to the standard audio options.
If none of this works it may be due to a USB headset that does not work well with Kast. You can try the 3rd party software VoiceMeeter as a temporary workaround while we look into the issue. Here is a guide on how to set it up
Disclaimer: VoiceMeeter is a 3rd party external tool which we have no control over and is an advanced setup. There is a possibility where you can change settings that cannot be changed back, use at your own discretion.