Kast provides a party link sharing to invite friends into parties. You can find the invite button in the bottom control bar on the right side. You can also get the link from opening your party pop-up and selecting the "invite" button on the right side.
Check our guide below to learn how to do this on web & desktop, and then how to do it on mobile.
On web & desktop
From the party pop-up window:
In party:
After selection you have two options to invite your friend.
1. Use the search bar to find any Kast user and select "Invite"
2. Copy the share link at the bottom and paste the link to the direct messaging or social media service of your choice.
On mobile (iOS & Android)
On Kast mobile, you can share the party invite link with friends, but you can't add people directly to the party. There are 2 ways to get the link, both are shown below.
From here you can copy the text and share it with your friends using your favorite messaging app! You can share your party to people that are on mobile or on web, everything goes.
Now when your friends get the invite link, they will need to ask for permission to join (even though you shared the party with them). Your friends will log into Kast (logging in with Google credentials is an easy one-step process), and if they are on mobile and don't yet have the Kast app, they will have to download it. On if they are using a mac, PC, ChromeBook or a Linux computer, it is the best to use the web app on Chrome or Edge browser (www.kast.gg).
If you have your party privacy setting set to Private, your friends will need to request to join if you sent a link. But requesting to join is simple, once they get the invite, all they need to do is click the become a member ("Join Party" on mobile) button and have a mod approve it.
After this, they can easily join the party now and any time in the future from your left side bar.
*On mobile, you won't see the notifications once you are inside a party, we recommend that you share the party to all of the friends you want to share it with before you jump into the party. This way you won't have to jump in and out several times to add people.