So, you are new to the world of Kast?
It's great to have you here, welcome! To make your start as smooth as possible, we've compiled this handy little guide on how to get the most out of Kast. Just follow along and you will be up and running in no time.
Set up an account
To get started with Kast, simply head to to set up an account and start sharing! You can create a new account or log in with your Google account.
If you prefer to use Kast on your phone or tablet, you can find Kast in the App Store for iOS devices and the Play Store for Android devices.
You can also follow invite links to Kast parties. Upon opening Kast you will be given the chance to register an account for yourself.
Customize your account
Once you have your account created, you might want to set a snazzy new avatar and banner for yourself. You can manage these options by selecting your avatar from the upper right corner of Kast and choosing "Your Account" from the dropdown in the app. Then click the pencil icon in the corner of your banner photo.
Create and customize parties
Creating an account will also automatically create your very own party. This can be found under the My Parties tab on the right side of Kast as well as the main page. Both of these locations also allow you to create a new party by clicking the "+" icon.
By default, your party is hidden meaning it does not show on the main page and but you can share a link to your party for anyone to join. To edit the party settings, select the party and then click the settings icon on the right side of the party view.
To learn more about different party types, check this article.
Watch & text chat
Joining a party allows you to listen in, text chat, and watch video. The easiest way to get started is to jump into a party where someone else is already streaming. You can check out any public parties that may be live, or start your own and share the link with your friends.
To join in, just hover your mouse over one of the parties and click "join party". In public parties, if you want to talk or share video you will have to get kasting permission
Talk & share video
Watching is only part of the fun. Sharing experiences that are important to you is where it's truly at!
Joining a party and getting streaming permission will allow you to talk and stream video to the party.
We recently released our all-new way of enjoying content right in Kast, called Kast TV. Kast TV is the easiest way to browse & share content with your friends. To learn more about Kast TV, you can check out this FAQ.
Alternatively, you can click the screenshare button at the bottom of the party to to share a single application window, tab, or your entire screen. There is also an option for web cam.
If you want to host a watch party, you can check out this guide we've made.
Get social!
Kast is best when enjoyed with other people. If you have some great content you would like to share with your friends, sharing on Kast is easy. Just click the "Invite to party" button in the top right corner (when you hover over the video), and you can choose to invite people already on Kast, or get a link that you can share on any social media or direct message to your friend.
If the friends you invite don't have a Kast account yet, they can easily create an account and then watch directly from the browser. How easy is that!
Check this article to learn more about inviting friends.
Join parties with your friends from your phone
With the Kast app for your phone, you can watch parties hosted by your friends, chat with them, share your camera and microphone. You can also scroll through live parties to check out what people are watching and meet new friends!
You can now share your camera on both Android and iOS. More features coming soon!
In this section we've collected some common problems you might encounter when trying to kast.
- Application is showing just a blank screen (related to hardware acceleration): Chrome, Firefox & VLC.
- How to share computer audio on PC.
- How to share computer audio on Mac.
- Nothing happens when you press "stream", or button is greyed out.
If you are having problems, don't hesitate to contact our customer support through this link.